Foot Fetish

From True Capitalist Radio Wiki

It's a stinky, smelly, disgusting, corroded foot. How in the blue hell can you be aroused by that, fruitbowl?

Ghost, admiring The Footjob Kid's Twitter name

A foot fetish is a fetish in which an individual gets sexually excited and aroused by the feet of another. Those with foot fetishes tend to use their feet to pleasure others, or receive pleasure themselves from other people's feet. A foot fetish can include any use of feet for sexual pleasure, including using them to play with someone's peter-popper or even using them in place of the high hard one.

Foot fetishes in True Capitalist Radio

Foot fetishes are typically included in Twitter Names for Ghost to read out. Upon realizing the name's nature, Ghost tends to react negatively, calling the names "sick and twisted". He repeatedly expresses that the idea that even getting an erection from a stinky, smelly foot is completely nonsensical. Although not disgusted on a major scale, one or two names have driven him to cans.wav.

Examples of Twitter Names