Mark Zuckerberg

From True Capitalist Radio Wiki

Mark Zuckerberg, or as Ghost prefers to call him, Mark Cuckerberg, is the current CEO of Facebook, a social media website. Ghost had never liked his website due to how it contributes to Junkyard America. Zuckerberg's aim as of 2016 at censoring Facebook with bots that deletes any Alt-Right posts or accounts, which made Ghost even more enraged that the left are trying to censor the internet.

Ghost has also criticized Zuckerberg's actions during the course of True Capitalist Radio and on Gab, such as how a Facebook user's data may be in the hands of China and was glad to hear that he had gotten into trouble with the US Government over Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal. He hoped that the government would sue the hell out of him and that this scandal would finally help people realize that Facebook can't be trusted with people's personal information.

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