Talk:Giant Incident

From True Capitalist Radio Wiki

Since these Giant Incidents have evolved from an average fail troll to going unnecessarily dramatic, wouldn’t it be best to have this person’s bio all on this page and remove him from the Newfag page? I’ll leave this up for debate and not worry about it too much. With all that out of the way, this Giant Guy is so laughably bad. --BlizzardSnowy (talk)

Tbh I dont even think he should be considered a troll since he doesnt consider himself one and acts pretty serious. -User:AsrielKekker

We need you ASAP, Giant is vandalizing the wiki, he just deleted a few pages --Cans Abusing Meme Magician (talk) 05:58, 30 July 2019 (UTC)

Christ. I can’t believe I slept through this. Is this guy really serious? I thought the situation with Oflameo last year was bad. At least Oflameo had the guts to stand up and try and justify his actions on the wiki. This Giant idiot is clearly trying to cause drama everywhere with some unclear motive. I’m glad everyone is starting to catch on and watch this guy. And of course no matter what this guy does, his info is present in The Ghost Show Archives. --BlizzardSnowy (talk)

Well I have already permabanned both of his accounts that were proof of his vandalism. This guy sure proves he is making a danger for the community. At least he was banned,but who knows if he has more accounts. This really set the wiki back and recovering the pages will be hard. Pylons (talk)

Since this guy hasn’t said anything about being listed as a runner up for fail-troll of the year in the recent Ghosties Awards Show, are we able to restore this page or is there a way to add him on here without causing another shitstorm? Just wondering since he never said anything at the Ghosties almost 5 months ago. --BlizzardSnowy (talk)

I'd be willing to help with remaking the page, I still (basically) have it saved in the original OC discord just in case something like this were to return - feel free to hit me up if you'd like :) ~Jackler