The Ghosties (2016)

From True Capitalist Radio Wiki
Unlike in the previous Ghosties awards, Ghost gave away physical awards in the form of unique autographs to those that were willing to send their name and address to him. Pictured; Twilie Atkins' Honorable Mention for Best Fail Troll.

Ghost returned in 2016, much to the happiness of the TCR fan base. Due to Donald Trump winning the election, Ghost decided to continue making the show, and hosted the second ever Ghosties. 

The Ghosties for 2016 was held during New Year's Eve, on December 31st, 2016. People could nominate via Twitter using the hash tag #Ghosties16.


*Categories requested by fans


Category Winner Honorable Mentions
Meme of the Year Bernie Sanders, George Soros N/A
Best Shout-Out Name TransCan ARs4GayBars, GatorTots, BJs4ChuckECheeseCoins
Worst TCR Character MaskedPony Fat Tuna
Best Remix Electric Fence - Pampers & Ponies N/A
Best Splicer Boat073 Benito Ghostini
Best Failed Troll Teutonic Plague Mike Cernovich, Baked Alaska, Twilie Atkins
Best Brony TheBronyNetwork Brony Drumming, Gabe Newell
Best Chatroom TCR Steam Chat TheBronyNetwork, /pol/
Best Mexican SharpSplicer TheBronyNetwork
Best Investigative Journalist Tom, TrumpinCapitalist Amy Daly
Best Transtesticle Amy Daly Melly
Best Black Guy Malik Obama Tyrone
TCR Fan of the Year SgtYoda Mark Montag
TCR Troll of the Year Tub Guy N/A
Capitalist of the Year Donald J. Trump KaraszKun, Travis

Accusations of Rigging

After the winners were announced, there was dissent via Twitter as many listeners refused to accept the results and began to accuse Ghost & his Inner Circle of vote rigging. These accusations were generally targeted across all categories however specifically levied against Best Mexican, Best Remix, Best Black Guy, Best Brony and Best Chatroom. Ghost admitted that /pol/ would have won Best Chatroom category if they didn't attempt to dox him all the time. Additionally he stated that TheBronyNetwork didn't win the same category because people from that chatroom were causing problems for him and the show all the time.